<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Create data files > Configuration of the export module |
An export module must be configured before data files can be created, the following settings might apply:
1. Export directory
The export directory is the location where the data files created by d-basics will be saved. The default location is: 'c:\export'. To select a different location, press the 'Browse' button - - at the end of the text box and browse to the desired location. Press the 'Open' button -
- to open the location where the data files are saved.
Notes: •Data files created by d-basics are saved in the directory mentioned above. If the "Recipient" supports automatically receiving data files, the d-basics program can automatically upload these files once they are created. If this is not possible files must be uploaded from the export directory manually (using the upload facility in the website of the "Recipient"). •If data files have to be uploaded for more than one ledger (administration), it is recommended to create a different export directory for each ledger (administration). This to prevent uploading the wrong data files. •If the export directory that is entered does not exist, d-basics will try to create it automatically. •In case of certain export modules a different location must be selected for each type of export file (e.g. debtors information file, debtor outstanding amounts file ...) |
2. Information sender and recipient
If information is uploaded, the "Recipient" must be able to identify the "Sender". Therefore, each export module offers the possibility to enter information based on which the sender can be identified. Further, certain export modules also offer the possibility to enter information about the "Recipient". This information is not only used for identification, often it is also used for authentication during the upload of data files.
In general at least an administration-, account-, or customer number of the sender is required. The other information that must be entered varies per export module. Make sure that the information that is entered corresponds with the ledger (administration) in the accounting package (from which d-basics extracts information).
Export accounts
It is possible that information extracted from one administration in the accounting package, must be saved into more than one set of data files (e.g. creating separate data files for each currency in case invoices are created in multiple currencies). In this case an export account must be created for each data file type that must be produced. If - for example - invoices are created in three different currencies, then three export accounts must be created. After creating these export accounts separate sets of data files will be created, each only containing invoices of a single currency.
In the case of certain export modules also information about the "Recipient" must be entered. This information is used to print predefined documents. Usually the default values are already entered or can be selected from a predefined list. If information is missing, enter it as complete and correct as possible.
Important: •Often connection settings are overwritten if predefined information about the "Recipient" is selected. •Predefined information about recipients is updated frequently. Therefore, always install the latest update before applying predefined settings. |
3. Select data files
The d-basics software can create the following kind of data files:
•Debtor information (name, address, place, ...)
•Outstanding amounts (accounts receivable) / New invoices
•Transactions sales ledger
•Invoice lines
•Sales ledger progress report (click here for extra information)
•Creditor information (name, address, place, ...)
•Outstanding amounts (Accounts payable)
•Transactions purchase ledger
•General ledger accounts information
•General ledger accounts transactions
•Inventory transactions
Inventory transactions are often recorded in separate (logistic) applications using various inventory valuation methods. As a result it is more complicated to automatically extract inventory information. To provide a solution for those cases where information can not be extracted automatically, d-basics offers the possibility to attach and upload manually created inventory data files. These files can be created using the export functionality of the logistic software in which inventory transactions are recorded (click here for extra information).
Select data files
The kind of data files that must be created depends on the kind of contract that is closed with the "Recipient". In general only some of the files mentioned above are needed. Each export module is adapted to the needs of the "Recipient" in such way that only the relevant data files can be created. From the available export files, choose those that are requested by the "Recipient".
Processing details
Certain recipients ask to provide processing details in order to determine which payment transactions have been processed in the accounting package. If these details are requested, the drop-down menu called 'Processing details' is shown and the data source on which these progress details are based should be selected.
4. Options
Export modules can offer the following optional settings:
•Export all debtors / export all creditors
Usually only the information of debtors or creditors with outstanding amounts is included in the data files. If the option 'Export all debtors' or 'Export all creditors' is selected the information of all debtors or creditors - including those without outstanding amounts - is added to the data files.
•Create export files per currency
By default all new invoices or outstanding amounts are saved in one data file. If the option 'Create data file per currency' is selected separate export files are created for each currency.
Export in foreign currency
In addition to the option 'Create data file per currency' the option 'Export in foreign currency' can be selected to create data files with invoices in the foreign currency (instead of the default currency used in the accounting package).
•Select data file format
Certain export module can create data files in more than one format. In this case the file format as agreed upon with the "Recipient" must be selected.
5. FileMerger
The file merger can be used to merge data files from multiple ledgers (administrations) before sending them to the "Recipient". To use this option, select the option 'Use file merger' and then press 'Configure' to configure which data files should be merged. The configuration of the file merger is described in the appendix 'File merger'.
6. Connection settings
The data files created by d-basics can be sent to the "Recipient" automatically. The following options can be set to arrange how these files are uploaded:
•Send automatically
If this option is selected data files will be sent to the "Recipient" automatically once they are created. If this option is not activated, sending the data files must be initiated manually by pressing the 'Send' button. This option is only available if an automatic upload is supported by the "Recipient".
•Connection method
There are four ways to send data files: automatically using e-mail, (S)FTP or a webservice or manually using an upload tool that is part of the website of the "Recipient". Being able to use these methods depends on if they are supported by the "Recipient". Usually a "Recipient" does not support all methods, those that are not supported will be hidden. To configure the connection settings, select the desired connection method and enter the related settings.
Sending data files using e-mail requires the following settings:
oSending method
Select which method (SMTP or Outlook) must be used to send e-mail. The recommended method is "Outlook".
oMail server (applies to SMTP only)
Enter the name of IP address of the (SMTP) mail server that must be used to send e-mail. This is usually the mail server of the Internet service provider, but is is also possible to use a mailserver that is part of the company's computer network.
SMTP Authentication
If the mail server requires SMTP authentication, select the option 'SMTP authentication' and enter the username and password that must be used to log on to the SMTP server.
oE-mail address sender
Enter the e-mail address of the sender.
oE-mail address Recipient
Enter the e-mail address to which the data files must be sent.
oE-mail address Notification
When data files are sent, a notification e-mail can be sent to the person or department that is responsible for processing the new data files. To send notification e-mails enter the e-mail address to which the notifications must be sent.
oEncryption and compression
There are two ways to encrypt the data files before sending them to the "Recipient": simple encryption or encryption using an encryption key. The simple encryption can be applied by selecting the option 'Encryption'. To use encryption with an encryption key, select the option 'Encrypt data files' and enter the encryption key provided by the "Recipient" in the text box 'Encryption key'.
Besides encryption it is also possible to compress data files before sending. This reduces the size of the data files considerably. Select the option 'Compress export (ZIP)' to apply compression before sending.
Notes: •Encryption and compression can only be used if the "Recipient" can process files that are treated this way before sending. If this is not the case, these options are not available and will be hidden. •The encryption and compression methods that are mentioned can be used combined |
Uploading data files using (S)FTP requires the following settings:
oHost (FTP server)
Enter the name or (IP) address of the FTP server to which data files must be uploaded, or - if present - select the proper (IP) address from the list with alternatives.
oPort (SFTP)
Enter the port that must be used to build an SFTP connection, the default port is 22.
oUsername and password
When sending to an (S)FTP server, a username and password is used to log on. This information is provided by the "Recipient" and must be entered in the related text boxes.
oPrivate key
In certain cases a private key is used to encrypt information. This key consists of a Private key file and a Private key password, both are provided by the "Recipient". To use this key select the option "Use private key", enter the location where the "Private key file" is saved (first copy this file to a location on your harddisk) and enter the "Private key password".
Notes: •Press the button 'Test FTP' to test if d-basics can establish a connection with the FTP server with the settings as they are entered. •The password to log on to the FTP server and the Private key password are usually not the same. |
Uploading data files using a webservice requires the following settings:
oHost (Webserver)
Enter the name or (IP) address of the webserver to which data files must be uploaded, or - if present - select the proper (IP) address from the list with alternatives.
oUsername and password
When sending to a webserver, a username and password is used to log on. This information information is provided by the "Recipient" and must be entered in the related text boxes.
oCertificate name
In certain cases a certificate is used for encryption and identification of information that is uploaded. This certificate is provided by the "Recipient" and must be installed on the same computer the d-basics software is installed on. After installing the certificate enter the name of the certificate - that must be used during the upload of information - in the text box called 'Certificate name'.
Note: Press the button 'Test webservice' to check the webservice settings (d-basics will try to establish a connection with the webservice). |
If the "Recipient" does not support automatic upload of information, data files must be uploaded manually through the website of the "Recipient". In this case select the upload method 'Website'. The website of the 'Recipient' will be opened automatically after the data files are created. In general a username and password is required to log on, these are provided by the 'Recipient".
•Proxy server
Select the option "Use proxy server" if a proxy server is used to manage internet access. The window "Internet settings" is used to enter the settings that are required to connect to the proxy server, this window can be opened by pressing the button "Proxy settings".
•Network connection
Normally the computer's default connection method is used to connect to internet. To use an alternative method, select the desired connection method using the drop-down menu "Use Network connection". Also see "Network connections"
Important: By default the option <NONE> is selected. Do not change this if the default internet connection method must be used. |
7. Print settings
Certain export modules offer the possibility to print predefined documents that must sent to the "Recipient" after uploading data files. The following print settings can be used to arrange how these documents are printed:
•Select Pawnage (pledge agreement)
If more then one kind of pawnage is available, select the pawnage as agreed upon with the "Recipient".
•Print automatically
Select this option if the document must be printed automatically after creating the export files.
Select the desired language if documents are available in more than one language.
•Print appendices
Select this option to print the appendices of a document.
•Per currency
By default one document is printed mentioning the invoices in all different currencies. If this option is selected, a separate document is printed for each currency.
•Print non financiable invoices
Non financiable invoices are those invoices that are excluded using filters. By default only the invoices are printed that are not excluded. Select this option to also print the excluded invoices.
•Copy to PDF
Select this option to save a copy of the printed document in PDF format
This option can be used to define in which order invoices / outstanding amounts are printed on a document..
Note: All settings mentioned above are located on the tab "Options". In general an export module has three tabs: "Options", "Summery" and "Log". However, it is possible that an export module contains one or two additional tabs. The most common extra tab is called "Additional Options" and contains settings the exclusively related to the regarding export module. The other extra tab is called "Receive files". This tab offers the possibility to download and process files with feedback information that are created by the "Recipient" after receiving the initially uploaded data files. There is a separate step by step guide for each export module which describes how an export module must be used. If an export module contains an extra tab, using the settings that are located on this tab is described in an appendix of this step by step guide. |