Contact information

d-basics b.v.

Trivium 76
4873 LP Etten-Leur
The Netherlands
VAT number: NL813497541B01
Chamber of Commerce number: 30195376
D-U-N-S ® number: 412275146

Sales and finance

+31 (0)-76-5239050

Remark: for support matters please contact the d-basics service desk.

Service desk

+31 (0)-76-5239040

Multilingual support on Dutch working days between 8:30h and 17:00h (CET).


GDPR & privacy

Send d-basics data processing agreement:
Report data breach:
See, correct, erase or copy data:


Where a lot is done, sometimes things can go wrong.

If you have a complaint, please send it to

We will then try to look into the situation as soon as possible.