Sending e-mail notifications

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Sending e-mail notifications

There are two ways to send e-mail notifications: manually or automatically.

Sending e-mail notifications manually

Menu items: 'Administration', 'Address'

To manually send an e-mail notification, open the window "Administration" (menu options mentioned above) and navigate to the tab "E-mail notification"

Next push the button "Send mail" that corresponds to the message that must be sent.


When sending manually only e-mails will be send of the opened administration. If for several administrations e-mails have to be send, for every administration the order to send e-mail has to be given separately (open for this the concerning administrations one by one)

Sending e-mail notifications automatically

Sending notifications automatically requires the following configuration:

Setting interval and selecting notifications

Menu items: 'Administration', 'Address'

For each administration the time frame (frequency) can be set within which new data files must be delivered. Based on this time frame d-basics can check whether data files are overdue and can send a e-mail if if data files are sent too late. Besides setting the time frame the tab "E-mail notification" also allows to select which notifications must be sent (check appropriate check boxes).

Configuring scheduler

Menu items: 'System', 'Import scheduler'

The import scheduler module is used to initiate the proces of sending e-mail notifications. The configuration of the scheduler module is described in the appendix 'Automatic import, export and sending' (at point 1 select the option 'RAM server e-mail notifications').