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Menu items: Licence, register d-basics

D-basics can only be used if a valid registration key is entered. Until this key is entered, the registration window will appear each time the program is started.

There are two options: activate d-basics or install an evaluation copy of d-basics.

I. Activate d-basics

After your order has been processed, the registration information is sent to you by e-mail. To activate d-basics, copy the registration information into the appropriate data fields. Make sure that all registration information is entered correct.


The custom made code should only be entered in case customer specific functionality is added to d-basics and this functionality must be activated by means of a licence key.

II. Install an evaluation copy

To install an evaluation copy of d-basics, choose the option 'EVALUATE' and push 'OK'. In this case, d-basics will automatically generate evaluation data, and provide the functionality that is needed to evaluate d-basics.


Registered users that wish to evaluate d-basics should not install the evaluation copy on the same computer as on which the registered copy is installed. Installing an evaluation copy overwrites existing registration information and disables the possibility to import data from financial packages.